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It Is Time to Go Solar

By going solar, you'll be saving money, and most importantly - saving our planet.

Tasmanians can now fund their Solar Installation with the Energy Saver Loan Scheme which provides 0% interest loans to eligible applicants.

Better for the Environment

Solar energy technologies and power plants do not produce air pollution or greenhouse gases when operating. Using solar energy can have a positive, indirect effect on the environment when solar energy replaces or reduces the use of other energy sources that have larger effects on the environment.

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Increased Home Value

Australians believe homes with solar are more valuable than the equivalent house without. Based on a survey of 1,005 Australians aged between 18-79 from all States and Territories in 2018, it was found that 77% of Australians think a house with solar is more valuable than those relying on traditional energy sources. With 57% of homeowners saying they would pay up to $10,000 more for a home equipped with solar

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There are two ways you save with Solar:


  1. You use the power from your solar panels first
    That's right! When the sun is out, any power you use comes from the solar system first. If you use less power than what is available from the sun - it's completely free.

    Changing your routine to have things like your washing machine, your dishwasher run while sunlight is providing power will save you plenty over the days and weeks.

  2. Excess power goes back to the grid and gives you credits
    Whenever the sun is shining on your solar panels AND you are not using ALL of the energy produced, that excess goes back to the grid and earns you a feed-in tariff that comes off your bill at the end of the month.

    It may seem like small amounts, but getting credits to cover the times when the sun is nor shining really helps with your monthly bill

A residential solar installation

What is the process to install solar?

Start the Conversation

We recommend that every customer starts off with a simple conversation with our expert installers. There is a lot to understand before you make the decision to go ahead with an installation.

Roof Analysis

Things we look at include:
- We'll check if your roof material can handle the weight and load of a solar setup. 
- How your roof is angled and which way it faces.
- Trees, buildings, or other things blocking the sun can make your solar panels less efficient. 

Energy Usage Analysis

This involves discussing your historical electricity bills to understand your energy consumption patterns. This will help us determine the size and type of solar panel system required to meet your needs.

Other site considerations

  • Assessing your existing electrical wiring is crucial to ensure it can handle the additional load from the solar panels.

  • Installing solar panels might require obtaining permits from your local council. The assessor can provide guidance and advice on how best to navigate these processes.

Time for a quote

Once we have been to see the site for the installation and have a firm understanding of the infrastructure and associated systems ... we can design a solar solution that best suits your needs.


With all these boxes ticked -  then we can give you a full quote for the installation of your new system.

Start the conversation today!

Thanks for submitting!

Tasmanian Energy
Saver Loan Scheme

Brighte 0% Solar Loans

We are registered providers with Brighte, who facilitate the Energy Saver Loan Scheme which provides 0% interest loans to eligible applicants to fund the purchase price and installation of energy efficient products.


Don't worry, we will help you go through the process and support your application from start to finish.


More info here:


Eligible applicants are:

  • Tasmanians for their principal place of residence

  • landlords with residential tenants

  • small businesses and community organisations (with an electricity consumption lower than 150MWh per year).

This means that Energy Saver Loans must be used to purchase and install eligible energy efficient products in Tasmanian properties. These properties are:

  • principal places of residence

  • tenanted residential properties (for example, a property in which you have residential tenants)

  • small business, commercial, or community organisation properties (for example, a property that is used for the predominant purpose of a small business*).
    *These properties may include properties used for holiday accommodation if the use is part of a small business.

Loans are capped at $10,000 per property.

No single applicant may be loaned more than $10,000 in total (but accessing the scheme for your primary residence won't prevent your small business from getting a loan for its own premises).

Loans will only be made available to applicants that have the financial capacity to repay them over the term of the loan. There are no income, house value or asset tests. It's open to all Tasmanians that want to invest in energy efficiency, so long as they can service the loan.

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